music industry data analysis scripts
midas is a suite of =Custom_Functions() for accessing artist popularity data from Pandora, Spotify, & Soundcloud directly inside google Sheets


Midas is a free Google Sheet Add-on that gives music industry professionals access to realtime popularity data from Pandora, Spotify, and Soundcloud (request more services here).

Google Sheets already offers hundreds of built-in functions like =AVERAGE, =SUM, or =VLOOKUP. After installing the add-on you will have access to dozens more — say, to pull-in Soundcloud followers for any artist in the world — to use directly inside Google Sheets like a built-in function. You can learn more about Google Custom Functions here

Midas was developed by Samir Rayani while teaching a workshop lecture for students at New York University and the Berklee College of Music. The lecture introduces concepts such as data retrieval, data cleaning, APIs, and producing insights at scale. During the interactive workshop, students create their own custom functions in a fully operational Google Sheet that pulls data from external streaming and social services. In March 2019, the code from the workshop was used to create Midas, now available to anyone, in the Google Sheet Add-On Store.

To date, more than 200 students have gone through the workshop. These are the slides from the most recent lecture:

Midas is built on top of the hard work of hundreds of people at Pandora, Spotify, and Soundcloud. To learn more about the APIs used by Midas, view the source code on Github.


Templates are sheets with pre-populated Midas functions. Please submit all template requests here. To use these templates, you must first install the add-on from the Google Sheet Add-On Store.

*the template will only load correctly after you have installed the add-on and chosen to use Midas in the document from the Add-On Manager.


Midas is 100% free and open source under the MIT License. Please submit all feature requests and issues here.

* Midas is a suite of custom functions for accessing
* data from Pandora, Spotify, & Soundcloud public APIs
* directly inside Google Sheets
// [REQUIRED] Tokens
// Helpers + Custom functions below.
// [START Midas]
// Contribute here: https://github.com/samirrayani/midas
* A wrapper object for shared methods
* (initialized below)
function Midas() {
* Wrapper for UrlFetchApp.fetch()
* @param {String} url
* @param {Object} options JavaScript object specifying advanced parameters
* @return {Object} The API Response
this.fetchUrl = function(url, options) {
if(!options) {
options = {};
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
return JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
* Hello Midas
this.hello = function() {
return "Hello Midas";
// initialize global MIDAS object
var MIDAS = new Midas();
* Get's the latest Pandora Trendsetters
* https://www.nextbigsound.com/charts/trendsetters
* @return {Array} [nbs_artist_id, nbs_artist_name]
* @customfunction
function getPandoraTrendsetters() {
var url = "https://api.nextbigsound.com/charts/v2/1/releases/latest/appearances?fields=items.artist.id,items.score,items.artist.name&limit=100&offset=0&access_token=" + PANDORA_ACCESS_TOKEN;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
var artists = [];
artists.push(["NBS Artist ID", "NBS Artist Name"]);
for(var i=0; i< json.items.length; i++) {
var item = json.items[i];
artists.push([item.artist.id, item.artist.name]);
return artists;
* Get's the latest Pandora Predictions
* https://www.nextbigsound.com/charts/predictions
* @return {Array} [nbs_artist_id, nbs_artist_name]
* @customfunction
function getPandoraPredictions() {
var url = "https://api.nextbigsound.com/charts/v2/3/releases/latest/appearances?fields=items.artist.id,items.artist.name&limit=100&offset=0&access_token=" + PANDORA_ACCESS_TOKEN;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
var artists = [];
artists.push(["NBS Artist ID", "NBS Artist Name"]);
for(var i=0; i< json.items.length; i++) {
var item = json.items[i];
artists.push([item.artist.id, item.artist.name]);
return artists;
* Get's the number of Pandora monthly active listeners for a given nbs artist id
* @param {Number} nbsId The NBS Artist ID
* @return {Number} The monthly active listener count (total)
* @customfunction
function getPandoraListenerCount(nbsId) {
var url = "https://api.nextbigsound.com/artists/v2/"+nbsId+"?fields=pandoraAudience&access_token=" + PANDORA_ACCESS_TOKEN;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
return json.pandoraAudience.monthlyActiveListeners.total;
* Get's the number of Pandora monthly streams for a given nbs artist id
* @param {Number} nbsId The NBS Artist ID
* @return {Number} The monthly stream count (total)
* @customfunction
function getPandoraStreamsCount(nbsId) {
var url = "https://api.nextbigsound.com/artists/v2/"+nbsId+"?fields=pandoraAudience&access_token=" + PANDORA_ACCESS_TOKEN;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
return json.pandoraAudience.streams.total;
* Get's the number of Pandora lifetime streams for a given nbs artist id
* @param {Number} nbsId The NBS Artist ID
* @return {Number} The lifetime streams count
* @customfunction
function getPandoraLifetimeStreams(nbsId) {
var url = "https://api.nextbigsound.com/meta/v1/artists/"+nbsId+"?fields=totals&access_token=" + PANDORA_ACCESS_TOKEN;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
return json.totals.streams;
* Get's the number of total Pandora artist stations for a given nbs artist id
* @param {Number} nbsId The NBS Artist ID
* @return {Number} The lifetime total artist station count
* @customfunction
function getPandoraArtistStationAdds(nbsId) {
var url = "https://api.nextbigsound.com/artists/v2/"+nbsId+"?fields=pandoraArtistMetrics&access_token=" + PANDORA_ACCESS_TOKEN;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
return json.pandoraArtistMetrics.data[412].summary.LTD;
* Get's the first NBS Artist ID for a given artist name
* @param {String} name the artist's name
* @return {Number} a Next Big Sound artist ID
* @customfunction
function getNBSArtistId(name) {
var url = "https://api.nextbigsound.com/search/v1/artists/?limit=1&fields=id,name&query=" + name + "&access_token=" + PANDORA_ACCESS_TOKEN;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
return json.items[0].id;
* Get's the number of Soundcloud followers for a given Soundcloud user
* @param {String} soundcloudUsername The Soundcloud username we want to fetch data for.
* @return {Number} The follower count
* @customfunction
function getSoundcloudFollowerCount(soundcloudUsername) {
var url = "http://api.soundcloud.com/resolve.json?url=http://soundcloud.com/" + soundcloudUsername + "&client_id=" + SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
return json.followers_count;
* Get's the first Soundcloud username for a given artist name
* @param {String} name the artist's name
* @return {String} a Soundcloud username
* @customfunction
function getSoundcloudUsername(name) {
var url = "http://api.soundcloud.com/users?q=" + name + "&limit=1&client_id=" + SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID;
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url);
return json[0].permalink;
* Get's the number of Spotify followers for a given spotify artist ID
* @param {String} spotifyArtistId The Spotify Artist ID we want to fetch data for.
* @return {Number} The follower count
* @customfunction
function getSpotifyArtistFollowers(spotifyArtistId) {
var access_token = getSpotifyToken_();
var url = "https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/" + spotifyArtistId;
var options = {
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token },
muteHttpExceptions: true
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url, options);
return json.followers.total;
* Get's the Top Tracks for a given spotify artist ID
* @param {String} spotifyArtistId The Spotify Artist ID we want to fetch data for.
* @return {Array} The Top Tracks
* @customfunction
function getSpotifyArtistTopTracks(spotifyArtistId, market) {
if(!market) {
market = "US";
var access_token = getSpotifyToken();
var url = "https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/" + spotifyArtistId + "/top-tracks?market=" + market;
var options = {
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token },
muteHttpExceptions: true
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var json = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
var tracks = [["Track ID", "Track Name", "Popularity"]];
for(var i=0; i<json.tracks.length; i++) {
tracks.push([json.tracks[i].id, json.tracks[i].name, json.tracks[i].popularity]);
return tracks;
* Get's the "popularity" for a given spotify artist ID
* @param {String} spotifyArtistId The Spotify Artist ID we want to fetch data for.
* @return {Number} The popularity metric
* @customfunction
function getSpotifyArtistPopularity(spotifyArtistId) {
var json = fetchSpotifyData(spotifyArtistId);
return json.popularity;
* Get's the Image URL for a given spotify artist ID
* @param {String} spotifyArtistId The Spotify Artist ID we want to fetch data for.
* @return {String} The image URL
* @customfunction
function getSpotifyArtistImage(spotifyArtistId) {
var json = fetchSpotifyData(spotifyArtistId);
return json.images[0].url;
* Get's the first Spotify artistID for a given artist name
* @param {String} name the artist's name
* @return {String} a Spotify Artist ID
* @customfunction
function getSpotifyArtistId(name) {
var access_token = getSpotifyToken_();
var url = "https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?type=artist&limit=10&q=" + name;
var options = {
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token },
muteHttpExceptions: true
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url, options);
return json.artists.items[0].id;
* Get a Spotify Token from cache
* @return {String} a Spotify Token
function getSpotifyToken_() {
//we want to use the cache here so we're not constantly fetching the auth token
var cache = CacheService.getDocumentCache();
var cached = cache.get(cacheKey);
if (cached != null) {
return cached;
//else let's go get our Token from the Spotify API
var url = "https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token";
var authorization = "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID + ":" + SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET);
var options = {
method: "post",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
payload: { "grant_type":"client_credentials" },
headers: { "Authorization": authorization },
muteHttpExceptions: true
var json = MIDAS.fetchUrl(url, options);
cache.put(cacheKey, json.access_token, 3000); // cache for 50 minutes.
return json.access_token;
// [END Midas]
// Contribute here: https://github.com/samirrayani/midas